字典網>> 漢英字典>> L開頭詞條>>樂意的英文翻譯 “樂意”的日文翻譯


拼音:lè yì


alacrity; be happy to; be willing to; fain


(1) ∶甘心愿意可憐的傢伙仍然樂意移居美國(2) ∶願意提供…樂... >>查看“樂意”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 樂意捐給教育機構。
    A: I prefer to donate it to educational institutions
  2. 我很樂意做那件事,只是我太忙了。
    I would do it with pleasure, only I am too busy.
  3. 註:小店樂意回答朋友們任何有關金剛經的問題。
    Remarks: We are willing to answer friends question about Diamond Sutra.
  4. 聖誕節前夕孩子們極不樂意睡覺。
    The children will go to bed on Christmas Eve under protest.
  5. 樂意為您做任何事情。
    I will do anything for you with a heart and a half.
  6. 我很樂意為您做任何事情。
    I shall be delighted if I can do anything for you.
  7. 我將樂意前來。
    I shall be delighted to come.
  8. 樂意為你安排。
    I was happy to arrange it.
