字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>每況愈下的英文翻譯


拼音:měi kuàng yù xià


go down the drain; go from bad to worse; worse and worse


  1. 由於市場需求下降,這家公司的生意每況愈下
    The company has gone into a decline because of falling demand.
  2. 近兩年來,他的健康狀況每況愈下
    He has suffered from failing health/has been failing in health for the last two years.
  3. 我失業了,健康又每況愈下,而我妻子卻對我說她要離開,去與我的一個最好朋友同居時,我更加感到痛苦萬分。
    I lost my job and my health began to suffer, when my wife put the knife in by saying that she was leaving me to go and live with my best friend.
  4. 我的運氣每況愈下
    My luck is on the ebb.


每況愈下的意思 每一次的情況愈發不如前次好。比喻一直在走下坡路,越變越壞 詳細解釋本作“每下愈況”,後多作“每況愈下”,謂情況越來越壞。 宋 胡仔 《苕溪漁隱詩話後集·東坡一》:“ 子瞻 自言平生不善唱曲,故間有
