字典網>> 漢英字典>> M開頭詞條>>暮的英文翻譯 “暮”的日文翻譯



dusk; evening; late


暮 mù 傍晚,太陽落山的時候:日暮。暮氣。暮色。日暮途窮。暮鼓晨鐘。 晚,將...


  1. 一切逐漸消逝在灰暗的色之中。
    Everything was gradually disappearing into a pall of grey
  2. 老人年的大部分時間都在寫他的自傳。
    The old man spent most of his twilight year work on his autobiography.
  3. 我們靜聽色蒼茫中響起的一個圓潤洪亮的聲音。
    We listened to a rich voice which rolled out into the dusk
  4. 波洛克先生已屆年。
    Mr Pollock is in the evening of life.
  5. 我們靜聽色蒼茫中響起的一個圓潤洪亮的聲音。
    We listened to a rich voice which rolled out into the dusk.
  6. 它將顯現出有如薄
    It will appear as dusk.
  7. 色蒼茫
    deepening shades of dusk
  8. 回憶是遠了、暗了的藹,希望才是近了、亮了的晨光?
    The recollection was far,dark ofhoped to just be near,bright of dawn?
