字典網>> 漢英字典>> P開頭詞條>>抨擊的英文翻譯


拼音:pēng jī


assail; attack; cut up; deprecate; fustigate; lash out at


1.fustigation  2.fustigate  3.tiltat  4.poundawayat  5.cutup  6.ripinto  7.deprecate  8.tearinto  9.invective  10.snipe  11.fulmination  12.maul  13.denunciation  


  1. 抨擊了政府的經濟政策之後,接著講述工黨降低失業率的計畫。
    After attacking the Government's economic policy, he went on to describe how the Labour Party would reduce unemployment.
  2. 新聞界發表文章抨擊女王是不對的,因為她不能辯白。
    It's wrong of the press to publish articles attacking the Queen when she can't answer back.
  3. 安隨後嚴詞抨擊董事長
    Ann then sailed in with a furious attack on the chairman.
  4. 純粹出於惡意抨擊政府。
    His attack on the government was pure vitriol.
  5. 他在辯論中的策略是先直接抨擊政府的政策。
    His opening gambit at the debate was a direct attack on Government policy.
  6. 她的小說橫遭評論家抨擊
    Her novel has been badly mauled by the critics.
  7. 今天的報紙就工會拒絕談判一事對工會進行了猛烈抨擊
    Today's newspapers made a savage attack on the unions for their refusal to negotiate.


抨擊的意思 以文章評論來攻擊作者抨擊了 * 主義 用刺痛人的、辛辣的或挖苦人的話攻擊抨擊時弊 ∶批評性地說出;斥責有禮貌地聽了十分鐘,然後進行抨擊詳細解釋用言 * 擊或批評。 明 陶宗儀 《輟耕錄·巴而思》:
