【醫】 melongena L. Solanum中文解釋:
茄 qié 〔茄子〕一年生草本植物,花紫色。果實一般為紫色,也有白色或綠色的,...>>查看“茄”在國語字典中的解釋
1.solanum 2.salpiglossis 3.eggplant 4.aubergine例句:
- 在我們的菜園裡,我們種了茄子,黃瓜和土豆。In our garden we have egg-plants, cucumber and potato.
- (我們提供白醬與蕃茄醬汁的義大利面。)We serve pasta with cream sauce as well as tomato sauce.
- 他用雪茄灼傷手。He burned his hand on his cigar.
- 他穿了一件肘部打著各種補釘的茄克衫。He wears a jacket of sorts with patches at the elbows
- 我們有各種新鮮蘆筍、青豆和烤番茄。Weve got a choice of fresh asparagus, green beans and grilled tomatoes
- 那是一個有醃肉、番茄和萵苣的三明治。It is a sandwich with bacon, tomato and lettuce