字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>乞丐的英文翻譯 “乞丐”的日文翻譯


拼音:qǐ gài


beggar; mendicant; moocher; panhandler
【法】 beggar


(1) ∶求乞乞丐於人(2) ∶乞求;請求乞丐復歸(3) ∶專靠要飯要錢過活的人... >>查看“乞丐”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 兩個乞丐伸著手走到我跟前。
    Two beggars came up to me with outstretched hands.
  2. 在貧民窟中乞丐般的生活
    A beggarly existence in the slums
  3. 它會像守護著王子一樣守護著正在睡覺的乞丐主人。
    He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince.
  4. 他扔給乞丐一便士。
    He tossed a penny to the beggar.
  5. 手電筒的光照出一個睡在他家門口的乞丐
    The beam from a flashlight showed a beggar sleeping at his doorstep
  6. 偵探將假扮為一乞丐
    The detective will appear in the person of beggar.
  7. 傳播福音的乞丐傳教士秩序中的男性僧侶。
    a male religious of an order of mendicant preachers of the gospel.
  8. 她穿著破爛的衣服,樣子很像乞丐
    She wore tattered clothes, looking like a beggar
