字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>乞的英文翻譯 “乞”的日文翻譯



beg; supplicate


乞 qǐ 向人討、要、求:乞求。乞丐。乞靈(向神佛求助)。乞憐。 姓。 筆畫...


  1. 她出於慈善給丐一些錢。
    She gave the beggar some money out of charity.
  2. 弱智!-我以為你在討。
    Moron! -I thought you were needy.
  3. 討,求通過討面獲得;
    To acquire by begging; cadge.
  4. 路人對我們的求助置若罔聞;對求憐憫的哭泣置若罔聞。
    passersby were dead to our plea for help; numb to the cries for mercy.
  5. 傳播福音的丐傳教士秩序中的男性僧侶。
    a male religious of an order of mendicant preachers of the gospel
  6. 那國王屈尊和丐們共餐。
    The king condescended to eat with the beggars
  7. 靈和靈有關的或帶靈性質的
    Of or having the nature of an invocation.
  8. 他給街上的丐一些施捨.
    He gave alms to beggars in the street
