字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>慶的英文翻譯



celebrate; celebration


  1. 祝活動呈現一派宏偉的景象。
    The celebrations provided a magnificent spectacle.
  2. 祝會的高潮是燃放煙火。
    The climax of the celebration was a firework display.
  3. 我們何不開瓶香檳酒祝一下呢?
    Why don't we crack open a bottle of champagne to celebrate?
  4. 你是怎樣祝結婚周年紀念日的?
    How did you celebrate your wedding anniversary?
  5. 我們去教堂祝聖誕前夕
    We went to the church to celebrate Christmas Eve.
  6. 本市的市民舉行了盛大的晚會祝他們的勝利。
    People in the city held a great party to celebrate their victory.
  7. 我們歡天喜地地祝新年。
    We celebrated the New Year with merriment.
  8. 他們興高采烈祝勝利。
    They celebrated their victory cheerily.


慶的意思 慶 (慶) ì 祝賀:慶賀。慶祝。慶幸。慶典。慶功。 可祝賀的事:國慶。大慶。 姓。 筆畫數:; 部首:廣; 筆順編號:
