字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>親屬的英文翻譯 “親屬”的日文翻譯


拼音:qīn shǔ


flesh; relatives
【醫】 relative; sib


有血緣或姻緣關係的人;尤指有血緣關係的人又非親屬。——《... >>查看“親屬”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 我會建議我的親屬和朋友購買冒牌商品.
    I recommend to friends and relatives that buy a counterfeit product.
  2. 王族家庭由國王,王后以及他們的親屬組成。
    The royal family consists of the king and queen and their relations.
  3. 英漢親屬稱謂對比與分析
    The Comparison and Analysis of Kinship Titles in English and Chinese
  4. 償付給被殺者親屬的錢。
    compensation paid to the family of a murdered person.
  5. 支族,旁系一種族或家族的後裔;支族或旁系親屬
    A descendant of a race or family; an offshoot.
  6. 他與我沒有親屬關係。
    He is no kin to me.
  7. 他的大部分親屬仍住在愛爾蘭。
    Most of his kindred are still living in Ireland.
  8. 她是皇室的直系親屬
    she is related lineally to the Royal Family.
