字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>趣的英文翻譯



interest; interesting


  1. 我對戲劇不感興
    I have no interest in drama.
  2. 他對你給他的東西沒流露出一絲興
    He showed no glimmer of interest in what you had offered.
  3. 他把報紙上點點滴滴有新聞都讀了。
    He read all the interesting bit in the newspaper.
  4. 她是個很有的人,但是她的先生卻一無是處。
    She is an interesting person but her husband is a real nothing.
  5. 我認為這些有的舊習俗應該保存下去。
    I think these interesting old customs should be preserved.
  6. 英文有著饒有味的發展歷史。
    The English language has an interesting history.
  7. 他對所謂的流行歌曲很感興
    He is very interested in what are called popular songs.
  8. 今天晚上的電視有一個有的節目。
    There is an interesting program on television tonight.


趣的意思 趣 ù 趨向:志趣。意趣。旨趣。 興味,使人感到愉快:興趣。樂趣。情趣。雅趣。妙趣。相映成趣。趣事。趣味。 趣 ù 古同“促”,催促;急促。 筆畫數:; 部首:走; 筆順編號:
