字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>勸的英文翻譯 “勸”的日文翻譯



advise; encourage; persuade


勸 (勸) quàn 說服,講明事理使人聽從:勸說。勸解(ji?)。勸導。勸教...


  1. 他的告使我決定不再拖延。
    His advice determined me against further delay.
  2. 善於接受理智的說和事物的邏輯。
    receptive to reason and the logic of facts.
  3. 我從你的告中得到好處。
    I have profited from your advice .
  4. 我真是非常感謝您的告。
    I am really very grateful to for your advice.
  5. 若不是你及時告,我恐怕就完蛋了。
    Were it not for you timely advice, my goose would have been cooked.
  6. 善的好書不免沉悶無味。
    Reading good books of morality, is a little flat and dead.
  7. 我的告沒有被他注意。
    No attention was paid to my advice by him.
  8. 孩子去上學。
    Get the child to go to school.
