字典網>> 漢英字典>> T開頭詞條>>他的英文翻譯 “他”的日文翻譯



he; him


他 tā 稱你、我以外的第三人,一般指男性,有時泛指,不分性別:他們(可包括男...


  1. 建議靠牆搭起一間棚子,給那兒的同志們遮風擋雨。
    He proposed fixing up a len-to as protection for all the comrades there.
  2. 的腦袋上長滿了絨毛,像是一棵要播種的蒲公英。
    his head fuzzed like a dandelion gone to seed.
  3. 我可以看透的心思, 根本就不用感到懊惱。
    I can read him like a book; he's not sorry at all
  4. 在信中寫了很多,但實際上內容不多。
    He wrote a lot in his letter, but it does not amount to much
  5. 幾個星期以來,的行為有一些古怪。
    His actions for some weeks have given indication of queerness.
  6. 給了我一串甘美的葡萄。
    He gave me a bunch of mellow grapes
  7. 聽說這則壞訊息們很震驚。
    They were shocked to hear of the bad news.
  8. 雖然有病但是情緒很好。
    He is cheerful in spite of his illness
