字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>脅的英文翻譯



coerce; flank; force; side; the upper part of human body


1.side  2.flank  


  1. 她威說要向警方告發他。
    She threatened to turn him in.
  2. 老闆威說要解僱他,但這不過是恐嚇而已。
    The boss threatened to dismiss him from his job, but it's all a bluff.
  3. 罷工者受到說,如果他們不復工,就會被解僱。
    The strikers were threatened with dismissal if they did not return to work.
  4. 經理企圖以解僱來威,迫使職工更賣力氣。
    The manager tried to bully his men into working harder by threatening them with dismissal.
  5. 人類是否會受到完全滅絕的威呢?
    Is the human race threatened with complete extinction?
  6. 起初她威要解僱我們所有的人,但是後來她態度軟化了。
    At first she threatened to dismiss us all, but later she relented.
  7. 他們威說要對該國實行封鎖。
    They are threatening to impose a blockade on the country.
  8. 我們國家的完整受到了這些分裂主義勢力的威
    Our integrity as a nation is threatened by these separatist forces.


脅的意思 脅 (脅) é 從腋下到肋骨盡處的部分:脅下。 逼迫恐嚇:脅迫。威脅。裹脅。脅持。脅從。 收斂:脅肩諂笑(收縮肩膀,強為媚悅之顏,形容諂媚人的醜態)。脅肩低眉(低三下四的樣子)。脅肩累(噄 )足(形容
