字典網>> 漢英字典>> X開頭詞條>>朽的英文翻譯 “朽”的日文翻譯



decayed; rotten; senile


朽 xiǔ 腐爛:腐朽。朽木。永垂不朽(“朽”在此引申為磨滅)。 衰老:衰朽。...


  1. 他的英名將流傳千古!他的事業將永垂不
    His name will endure through the ages, and so also will his work!
  2. 妄想使世間凡俗的事物不
    A mortal thing so to immortalize
  3. 活在後人心中是不的。
    To live in the heart of those living behind is not to die.
  4. 的,永世的屬於或關於不
    Of or relating to immortality.
  5. 齲的,骨瘍的長有齲或骨瘍的,尤指牙齒被蛀蝕了的;腐
    Having caries, especially of the teeth; decayed.
  6. 缺頂枝的因樹齡長或枯而缺頂枝的
    Lacking the top branches as a result of age or decay
  7. 沒有一個人應該以寫不的詩歌為目的;
    No one should aim at writing immortal poetry;
  8. 保羅告訴我們“這必壞的總要變成不壞的”(53節)。
    Paul tells us "this mortal must put on immortality" (verse 53).
