字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>夭的英文翻譯 “夭”的日文翻譯



die young


夭 yāo 草木茂盛美麗:夭夭(a.茂盛而美麗,如“桃之夭夭”;b.顏色和悅的...


  1. 他逃之夭,留下他妻子為他的賭債發愁。
    He took a powder and left his wife to worry about his gambling debts.
  2. 那吉普賽人曾經預言這男孩兒得折。
    The gypsy had foretold that the boy would die.
  3. 他試圖把責任加在同夥身上,以便自己能逃之夭。
    He tried to throw the responsibility on his companion so that he could go free.
  4. 他壯年折。
    He was cut down in the prime of life .
  5. 那男孩一見到他的老師就逃之
    The boy ran away at sight of his teacher.
  6. 英年折的詩人何其多。
    How many poets were cut off in the bloom of their years.
  7. 他們發現兇手已逃之
    They discovered the murderer to have run away.
  8. 他們已經有了四個孩子,第一個眼瞎,第二個折,第三個失聰,第四個肺結核。
    They have 4 children. 1st is blind, 2nd is dead, 3rd is deaf, 4th has TB.
