字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>亦的英文翻譯 “亦”的日文翻譯



also; too


亦 yì 副詞,也,表示同樣、也是:亦無不可。亦步亦趨。 又:“先君何罪?其嗣...


  1. 真話固然美好,謊話然。
    Truth is beautiful without doubt, and so is lie.
  2. 縱使敵人小如鼠,須當作雄獅看。
    Though your enemy seem a mouse, yet watch him like a lion
  3. 同時 ,ARB在 32 2nm和 2 5 4nm處的紫外吸收明顯下降
    The UV absorptions at 322 nm and 254 nm also reduce ARB dramatically.
  4. 此外,競爭力來自人們的素質和創意。
    Competitiveness is also about the quality and creativity of the people.
  5. 此種武士道精神,既非法律、非約束、僅僅口傳或學者之著述所書。
    This samurai moral is not a law either not a rule
  6. 大專以上學歷,在校學生有實習經驗者可。
    College degree or above, students with intern experience is ok as well.
  7. “角斗場將與羅馬共存;角斗場倒塌之日,即羅馬毀滅之時;而羅馬毀滅之時,世界將崩潰。”
    Colosseum is the mark of Rome.
  8. 一個人云雲不知所云的無主見的傢伙。
    a copycat who does not understand the words or acts being imitated
