字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>應的英文翻譯



answer; echo; ought to; should; promise; respond; grant; deal with; suit


1.attheinstanceof  2.answer  3.respond  4.agreeablyto  5.bandingsaturation  


  1. 大家的反如何難以估計
    It was difficult to gauge how people would respond.
  2. 她的祈禱驗了,兒子平安地回到了家。
    Her prayer answered and her son came home safely.
  3. 資料明白易懂。
    The information ought to be made more accessible.
  4. 許多不良的習俗和法規予以廢除。
    There are many bad customs and laws that ought to be abolished.
  5. 生活遵守規律,因為規律對健康有益。
    Regularity ought to be observed, as regularity is very conducive to health.
  6. 該小心一點,知道嗎?
    You ought to be more careful, you know.
  7. 扔掉這輛舊腳踏車,買一輛新的。
    You ought to scrap the old bike and buy a new one.
  8. 我看你不該。
    I don't think you ought to.


應的意思 應 (應) ī 該,當,又引申料想理該如此:應當。應該。應分(坣 )。應有盡有。 回答:答應。喊他不應。應承。 隨,即:“桓督諸將周旋赴討,應皆平定”。 姓。 當該 應 (應) ì 回答或隨聲相和:
