字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>迎頭的英文翻譯 “迎頭”的日文翻譯


拼音:yíng tóu


directly; head-on


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  1. 幾年來,外國轎車在英國的銷量一直比英國的大;英國公司正在要求其政府對外國(進口)轎車的銷售加以限制,以便給它們一個迎頭趕上的機會。
    For several years more foreign cars have been sold in Britain than British ones; the government is now being asked to limit the sales of foreign cars to give British companies a chance to make up leeway.
  2. 幸好兩部車子沒有迎頭相撞,因此比爾只是受了一場虛驚。
    Fortunately the two cars didn't crash head on, so Bill got off with nothing worse than a bad fright.
  3. 他的發言是對不得人心的新政策的迎頭痛斥。
    His speech is a head-on denunciation of the unpopular new policy.
  4. 那兩輛巴士迎頭相撞。
    The two buses collided head on.
  5. 雪橇迎頭撞上那棵樹。
    The sled struck the tree head-on.
  6. 而應該做好充分準備,給敵人迎頭痛擊。
    Instead, one must be ever ready to take on the enemy.
  7. 古巴的確是個窮國,但它打算迎頭趕上。
    Cuba is indeed a poor country, but it intends to catch up.
  8. 迎頭浪衝上岩石四下迸濺。
    The surf broke on the rocks.
