字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>又的英文翻譯 “又”的日文翻譯



again; and; as well as; both


又 yòu 表示重複或繼續,指相同的:今天又下雨了。 表示加重語氣、更進一層:...


  1. 對某組中分散的元素的合理容易理解的排列。
    logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements of a group
  2. 我多么地渴望卻害怕知道。
    What most I wish-and fear to know!
  3. 孩子們唱了幾首歌,朗誦了一些詩。
    The children sang a few songs and recited some poems
  4. 這回過來會加速生產過剩危機的到來。
    This will in turn hasten the arrival of a crisis of over-production
  5. 一陣心血來潮後,他恢復了平時冷漠的樣子。
    After a short burst of enthusiasm, he relapsed into his usual apathy
  6. 眼淚再苦再鹹,有你安慰是晴天!
    Chatham tears again no matter how tough, you comfort is a sunny day!
  7. 有軍隊趕運到了前線。
    Fresh troops were rushed up to the front.
  8. 她好象要回答,然後停住了。
    She made as if to reply and then became silent .
