字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>有證據的英文翻譯


拼音:yǒu zhèng jù


【法】 on evidence


  1. 有證據顯示他當時在這裡。
    There is no proof that he was here.
  2. 他提出,雖然沒有證據顯示。
    He offered no evidence, though.
  3. 有證據都說明這是一起謀殺案。
    The evidence all adds up to a case of murder.
  4. 某事已發生或某事是真實的(通常有證據)陳述
    Statement usually in evidence that something has happened or is true
  5. 作證;持有證據
    To testify to; bear witness.
  6. 有證據證明他當時在犯罪現場。
    There is no proof that he was on the crime spot.
  7. 他承認目前還沒有證據證明任何一種推測的真偽。
    He concedes that there is no proof for any of those theories.
  8. 有證據表明你當時不在犯罪現場嗎?
    Do you have any proof to substantiate your alibi?
