字典網>> 漢英字典>> Y開頭詞條>>餘燼的英文翻譯 “餘燼”的日文翻譯


拼音:yú jìn


ash fire; ashes; ember
【機】 ash fire


(1) ∶灰燼,尤指被火燒剩的灰燼(2) ∶被消滅物體的殘餘劫後餘燼 >>查看“餘燼”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 餘燼燃著的小煤塊或木塊,如在一堆將要熄滅的火堆中
    A small, glowing piece of coal or wood, as in a dying fire.
  2. 劫後餘燼
    a devastated waste of smouldering embers
  3. 火的餘燼好幾小時都發著光亮。
    The remains of the fire glowed for hours.
  4. 炭,餘燼一種部分燒焦的物質,可繼續燃燒但無火焰
    A partly charred substance that can burn further but without flame
  5. 餘燼燃著的小煤塊或木塊,如在一堆將要熄滅的火堆中
    A small, glowing piece of coal or wood, as in a dying fire
  6. 餘燼將要熄滅的火中的冒著煙的煤塊或灰燼
    The smoldering coal or ash of a dying fire
  7. 餘燼將要熄滅的火中的冒著煙的煤塊或灰燼
    The smoldering coal or ash of a dying fire.
  8. 我愛情的火還存留著一撮餘燼.
    Some embers of my love their fire retain.
