字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>砸的英文翻譯 “砸”的日文翻譯



be bungled; fail; smash; tamp


砸 zá 打,搗:砸碎。砸地基。砸明火(方言,搶劫)。砸飯碗(喻失業)。砸鍋(...


  1. 接著,突然傳來一陣玻璃的碎聲。
    Then all of a sudden there was a crash of breaking glass
  2. 他喝醉了酒就開始東西。
    He got drunk and began to smash things .
  3. 全都讓你搞了。
    You make a mess of everything.
  4. 他發瘋了,開始把這塊地方得粉碎。
    He went stark raving mad and began smashing the place up.
  5. 錘子從手中滑脫,沒有敲到釘子,卻在我的手指上。
    The hammer slipped and hit my fingers instead of the nail.
  6. 什麼?你想搞我的一天嗎?
    What? Are you trying to rain on my parade?
  7. 由於手腳不靈活、愚笨而把事情辦了。
    spoil by behaving clumsily or foolishly.
  8. 她的遲到搞了我們的計畫。
    Her late arrival messed up our plan.
