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瞻 zhān 往上或往前看:瞻仰。瞻望。瞻拜。瞻謁。瞻念。瞻前顧後。 顧 筆...


  1. 刑事法律援助體系:問題與前
    The System of Criminal Legal Aid:Problems and Prospect
  2. 本前性研究的目的是...
    This prospective study was performed to...
  3. 我們滿懷信心地望未來。
    We look to the future with full confidence.
  4. 仰遺容
    pay one's respects to the remains of sb.
  5. 伯6:19提瑪結伴的客旅望、示巴同夥的人等候。
    "The caravans of Tema looked, The travelers of Sheba hoped for them.
  6. 加入WTO後黨的建設的前性思考
    A Consideration on Construction of the CPC Party After China Join WTO
  7. 人們蜂擁而至望皇室人員外出時的儀仗隊.
    People came in flocks to see the royal procession.
  8. 二尖瓣球囊擴張術療效影響因素的探討──超聲評分54例前性研究
    Factors influencing the effect of PBMV by Echo score in 54 subjects
