字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>這么的英文翻譯


拼音:zhè me


like this; so; such; this


  1. 沒有這么大的地方來放這些書。
    There is not so much room for these books.
  2. 不知道他著了什麼魔,在那條熱鬧的街上把車子開得這么快。
    I don't know what possessed him to drive so fast down that busy street.
  3. 天氣乾旱了這么久,這場雨成了農民的救星。
    After so much dry weather, the rain has been the farmer's salvation.
  4. 如果他身體這么糟,那么他的所有財富對他毫無用處。
    All his riches are of no good to him if he is so ill.
  5. 別對你的父母這么禮貌
    Don't be so rude to your parents!
  6. 你怎么這么說?
    What makes you say so?
  7. 這么謙虛
    Don't be so modest.
  8. 背井離鄉這么久,現在在他自己的國家,他覺得自己像個外人。
    After being away for so long, he feels like an alien in his own country now.


這么的意思 ∶指示程度、方式、性質等這口井這么深啊! ∶那樣的這張桌子原來就這么放的 ∶這樣那么句子應該這么譯詳細解釋亦作“ 這末 ”。指程度、數量或方式。《兒女英雄傳》第五回:“這也不值的嚇的這個嘴臉,二十年
