字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>旨的英文翻譯 “旨”的日文翻譯



aim; decree; purport; purpose; tasty


旨 zhǐ 意義,目的:意旨。要旨。主旨。言近旨遠。 封建時代稱帝王的命令:旨...


  1. 我發現要了解他的演講主是很困難的。
    I find it difficult to understand the purport of his speech.
  2. 研討會在改革舊的封閉式的評價制度,從而建立新的教育評價體系。
    The purpose of this seminar is to reform the old closed system so as to establish the new system of educational assessment.
  3. 這一政策在維護和平。
    The aim of the policy is the preservation of peace.
  4. 今年會議的主是“解放時刻”。
    The major messenger of the conference this year is "time to deliver".
  5. 在抵消狹窄的專門化教學內容而設計了種種智力測驗。
    Intelligence tests were devised to counteract this narrow specialization.
  6. 追求卓越是我們企業的宗
    We approach our business with a mindset of excellence
  7. 他的演說主是世界和平。
    World peace was the keynote of his speech.
  8. 他宣揚的宗教教義要是愛天下人。
    The essence of his religious teaching is love for all men.
