字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>矚的英文翻譯 “矚”的日文翻譯



gaze; look steadily


矚 (矚) zhǔ 注視:矚目。矚望(a.注視;b.期望)。高瞻遠矚。 筆畫...


  1. 本周引人目的是時裝界。
    This week the spotlight is on the world of fashion.
  2. 望已久
    have been eagerly looking forward to it for a long time
  3. 我想馬拉松比賽將會是個令人目的大事件。
    I think the marathon will be a great event
  4. 中東是舉世目的多事地區。
    The trouble-ridden Middle East commands the attention of the world.
  5. 他讓中華古韻目於世
    The Savior of Chinese Folk Culture
  6. 我當總統時一直為公眾目--談不上私人的生活.
    When I was President, I was always in the limelight there was no privacy
  7. 真正古怪的人從來不故意引人目。
    True eccentrics never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves.
  8. 這些趨勢的持續存在引人目。
    The persistence of these trends is striking.
