字典網>> 漢英字典>> Z開頭詞條>>作為結果的英文翻譯


拼音:zuò wéi jié guǒ


as a result of


  1. 作為結果,他比早年更少灼傷了。
    As a result, he less readily burns than earlier in his life
  2. 作為結果,及時跟來。
    come after in time, as a result
  3. 作為結果發生或者出現。
    cause to happen or to occur as a consequence
  4. 作為一種景況伴隨或者作為結果跟隨。
    to accompany as a circumstance or follow as a result.
  5. 作為結果發生或者出現。
    cause to happen or to occur as a consequence.
  6. 作為結果或者未計畫的結果出現。
    produce as a consequence or an unplanned result
