字典網>> 漢英字典>> G開頭詞條>>趕上的英文翻譯


拼音:gǎn shàng


catch; catch up with; come up with; overtake


1.overtake  2.comeupwith  3.overtook  4.getupto  5.tocatchup  6.catchup(on)  7.emulate  8.ridedown  9.overtaken  10.caught  11.catch(er)  12.pullupwith  


  1. 我們很早就動身去車站以便趕上頭班火車。
    We left for the station so early as to catch the first train.
  2. 我快跑為的是要趕上火車。
    I run fast so that I may catch the train.
  3. 要想趕上其他同學,我得特別努力才行。
    I have to work hard to catch up with the other students.
  4. 我會趕上你的。
    I'll catch you up.
  5. 我得跑才能趕上他。
    I had to run to come up with him.
  6. 我們正好趕上了火車。
    We're just in time to catch the train.
  7. 你要想確保能趕上那班飛機,就坐計程車去吧。
    If you want to ensure that you catch the plane, take a taxi.
  8. 與世隔絕一個月,力圖把功課趕上去。
    He shut himself away for a month to catch up on his academic work.


趕上的意思 ∶追上警車終於在叉路口趕上歹徒 ∶遇上 你們這些年青人可真幸運,趕上了這個改革開放的好年代 ∶來得及,能夠他還沒趕上上車,火車就已經啟動了 ∶迫使,驅使我把羊群趕上了山坡詳細解釋.追上;跟上。《西遊
