字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>口的英文翻譯 “口”的日文翻譯



cut; gob; jaws; mouth; opening; ostium; scoop; stoma
【醫】 aditus; apertura; aperturae; aperture; bouche; introitus; meatus; mouth
opening; ora; orifice; orificium; oro-; os1; ostia; ostium; portal
stoma; stomata; stomato-; trema


口 kǒu 人和動物吃東西和發聲的器官(亦稱“嘴”):口腔。口才。口齒。口若懸...


  1. 一種短式的寬徑的具有散孔的步槍。
    a short musket of wide bore with a flared muzzle.
  2. 她把一顆太妃糖塞進了我的里。
    She poked a toffee into my mouth
  3. 她藉頭疼離開了晚會。
    She leave the party on the plea of a headache
  4. 請告訴我你們出的主要商品好嗎?
    Can you tell me the main item you export?
  5. 他用一本大書擋住了門
    he used a large book as a doorstop
  6. 機槍手一氣打光了兩梭子子彈。
    The machine gunner fired off two magazines without a break
  7. 設定一個警衛員
    station a guard at the gate
  8. 九點鐘在東湖公園門見。
    Nine at the gate of the East Lake Park.
